Wednesday, January 6

Left 4 Dead 2

Wednesday, January 6
OK... so i have finally tried Left 4 Dead 2... starting part the game was pretty much OK, but soon enough i notice a huge difference... the Special infected are very common! it's like, every 20 zombies you'll see one of them... and 20 zombies is not a huge number, considering the zombies pretty much always come in group of 4 to 5... which is really another change, cuz previously the streets are really less infected... zombies are not so well populated yet... one other addition that i noticed was small rush, which is basically zombie rush, but in smaller amount... and they happen quite frequently, so loafing around is really a very bad idea... so basically, there are more zombies, more special ones, and there is no such thing as a clean street anymore... they are everywhere. EVERYWHERE! there's no end to killing them! Oh yes, and now the witch moves!! she doesn't just sit around anymore, she walks around crying!! well, that's for the zombies...

to the weapons, there is a huge explosion of choices... though they still generally fall into the same three categories: rifle, sniper rifle, and shotgun. then there are the melee weapons, which when used, gets ur "face" aka the screen all bloody... now is when i noticed, the zombies must be getting weaker? cuz one bullet will cause like a huge wound on their body... like, huge. the whole back missing kinda huge... and if you shoot their hands and legs, it just fall apart. and they die. just like that. i'm pretty sure humans can withstand an attack better than that... oh, and the melee weapon is like ownage... one swing, and pretty much all the zombies in front of you dies... unrealistic i know, but that's how they have to be to balance their limitation (short range, can't use for certain special etc) still, this is alittle weird after awhile... i mean, an average joe definitely will not know how to use a katana right? so pretty much they'll just be swinging it around.. but miraculously, it's always a one-hit KO! and cutting off the limps is as easy as chopping potatoes! LOL, that's why, the zombies have to be more flimsy than humans, if not all these just don't make sense... OR, these four survivors are not your average joe, hence they can use any weapons with ease... pick it up and go booyah!

but don't get me wrong, the game is quite good, though much harder than the first. for instance, alerting the horde is not just alert, mobs come, kill, then move on. No! it's now alert, mobs come, rush to another place to stop the alert, move on. if you just stay there, the mobs won't end... you may have small periods of break, but they don't stop... and they seem to get more frequent as each waves pass. really bad news. still, that's fine, move on. but the worse part was, in the first campaign last mission, i'm supposed to fill in the car with 13 gas tanks. Ok, since the AI can't do it, i'll have to take all 13 myself. finally, when i took the 10th, all of a sudden, i hear the tank music, but not quite the same as the one i'm used to... fyi, there were a few tanks before this... then i see one tank coming, killed it, and the music is still on! i was like, huh?? 2 tanks?? alright, second tank appeared, killed... then, wtf!? 3rd tank!? wait, there's another one to the right, so... FOUR!? they think i'm some kinda GOD!? four tanks at once!? how am i supposed to survive!! #&$%@#&$%#&@$!!!! and i still have to carry 4 more gas tanks and fill it up! so, predictably, 2 AIs got incapacitated, one died, and another one got hit by a special... me? got whacked across the building by the tank, incapacitated, and tadah! we all died... OMGWTFBBQ!! this is just so unebelievable!! i hope this does not happen every time... if not i dunno how to play anymore... Tank rush at the finale, bravo!


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