Friday, March 5


Friday, March 5
why 6000? because that's the amount of words for FYP. then why 1500? because that's the amount of words for 50% of a 3AU-course. Crap. For 8AUs and 1 whole year, they only need to write 6000 words, but for one sem and 1.5AUs, they want me to write 1500 words!? That's just so not proportional.

and the worst part is? i haven't started a single word. 0 down, 1500 to go. Man, am i doomed, or am i doomed? i think this is the SU-effect, the result of me being affirmed that the course can no longer do me any harm, and therefore i slack off with it. however, no matter what, it just still doesn't make sense... yes, the course is screwed up, but if i'm screwed, so would others right? afterall, the test system is on a bell-curve, so as long as i'm less screwed than the other, i'm fine! the only problem is how do i know where am i on the curve, and the fact is i won't know, because for the course, there is only a final exam and this long essay! oh, if you are wondering what course is this, it's kinda like a philosophy course revolving on one phrase: art as a representation of life. with that, we start to look upon various forms of art, to actual paintings, to movies, or stage performances and what not... sigh, i think my main concern now is whether or not to SU this course... and the main reason why i'm wondering, i believe, is because of this other 3AU-course that is equally screwed up, but one i feel others may not be as screwed up as me. decisions, decisions, decisions... sometimes i wonder, what made me took this course? i never thought the university actually offers courses on philosophy... *gasp* OMG!! watever just happened!? is that right, is that right?? LOL, facebook is really an amazing place... i just found out that my sister is engaged! LOL!! that was sudden!! at the same time, hall is very sucky place, every now and then, it kicks me out of facebook, it kicks me out of msn, sigh...

oh right, i think i wanted to write a bunch of craps here as a start for my 1500 words essay... kinda like searching for ideas and stuff... i'm currently supporting this notion that your life is really only 10% yours. Basically, at birth, you have already been determined to be a male or a female, given certain predispositions to be of a certain kind of person, such as being talented in this and not that, or just naturally taller or shorter... more possible to be obese, inheriting various genetic diseases... before you even know who you are, you are already made to be somebody, whether you like it or not. being born into a poor family, or as heir of royalty, life is different no wonder you like it or not. A poor man can never become a royalty, nor can a royalty live like a poor man. Such things are not changeable by effort, or in other words, beyond our control. isn't it interesting that most people from any race or region has religion? or that the word "fate" exists in various languages? Such is the proof that people are not free to be what they want to be in their life. Many would argue that my points are certainly valid, but are too extreme an example to be applied to the general public. Are there not many examples of great men rising from harsh conditions? Such examples of course show that it is possible to change our lives, but it also show just how rare this happens. Indeed, i did not say that we are totally not in control of our lives, but rather, we control only 10% of what we think, say or act. Yes, even the things you think may not be what you want to think, or rather what you think you want to think. To put it simply, I will illustrate this to you. First, think of the future job that you want to be. How do you know if that is what you really want? Are you sure you are not just acting according to what your parents told you to? if you are actually defying your parents, how do you know you are defying because you want to? This can go on, but i believe you get my point. The thing is, the person we believe we are, the choices we believe we made, sometimes are really just a delusion we give ourselves to make us feel in control. Explicitly, alot of people will say that they have done something because of a bunch of reasons other than out of their will, but even if the minority who said that they have acted out of their own free will, subconsciously, the world has already shaped their "free will". This concept is heavily explored in the movie "The Matrix". In the movie, we see Neo being tied to his fate, no matter how hard he tries. It would seem that he is acting out of his own choice, but if that is the case, then how is it that the Oracle can predict what would happen? Throughout the trilogy, the idea of choice is explored recurrently, such as when Neo was offered candy by the Oracle, he asked if he still has a choice of taking the candy or not if she has already know whether or not he is going to take it. The reply was, we are not here to make a choice, we have already made our choice, what is left is to understand it. From my point of view, what it is saying is that we have no choice, because whatever choices we made, we made it because... you know what, i think i shall stop here. lol, getting abit long...