Monday, January 25


Monday, January 25
It's been awhile... since i cried.

Nothing much to update really... so just posting to let you all know that i'm alive.

Monday, January 18


Monday, January 18
School has... well, started. However, currently, it is yet the school that is bugging me down with work, but rather the clubs and stuff... first we have the MSA FOC 2010... for some unknown reason, they want everything settled, like, now... goodness, foc is not in 7 months time!! Cut me some slack dude! These people either have nothing better to do, or they just prepare waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy too much buffer time. Oh well, let's just hope they won't continue to harrass me when school work really sets in.

Next, is Gaming Night. WTH Man, i feel so unappreciated lor... it's like, these people think it's so freaking simple to organize it just because we've done it alot of times... but HELLO! I've been doing alot of work here~ u hear me?? zzz... these thoughtless fools have sincere lack in planning skills... argh... if we can't reach the quota, then we are going to lose money, big time! 33 down, 77 more to go!! Come on! Hopefully one bunch of NTU students sign up for it... then we can cut down that number real fast... 2x faster, man... lol, sometimes i get really confused, is this gaming night for the members, or is it for everyone?? *Sigh* this is the part that is wrong perhaps... one event, one purpose... but gaming night has like two! So of course it could achieve none! Oh well... all the business stuff comes flooding my mind... i'm thinking, maybe we should just outsource our management committee to other ppl...

As for school, well, what's worth mentioning is not what has gone behind me, but what lies before me... i can foresee very heavy readings required this semester... I guess i should be glad i didn't take 4 cores... if not, i can really say bye bye to 1st class... probability will drop too much to make it even worth it... though perhaps if i really want to be rational, objective, and logical, i should try and numerize all these things, so as to obtain the best course of action for my future... but to heck with that, let's just be me, let's just be human... ah right, there is something that happened... she is not going for exchange afterall... haha, all the work put in goes to naught... have some mixed feelings about it... on the one hand, it would probably be cool to go on exchange, but on the other, reality strikes a deep chord in my heart... i dunno, maybe i am glad... or maybe i am not... but there's no telling if it happened for better or for worse, so i will just go with the flow... maybe i am glad.

Monday, January 11

Religion and Malaysia today

Monday, January 11
So they are bombing the churches now... seriously, i don't find it that surprising... if you have truly considered the possibilities, you will find some inevitabilities in the action patterns in these ruling ppl... yes, i bring them up because i believe this whole thing is just another of their plans to stay in control... it fits prefectly well with what they have previously done, and the whole "Allah" taboo totally came out of nowhere... just like them to think of something like this... following, i will give my opinion on why they have done certain things:

Why Allah?
or another way to phrase it, why Islam? why religion? because it's the most sensitive issue available in malaysia. We boast ourselves as a free religion country, but no sound-minded person will actually agree with that. Come on, Malaysia is an Islamic country, admit it! No thanks to Mahathir, of course... totally screwing the Malays' minds with all his extremist attitude and propaganda... so, anything islam, and guarantee a group of malays will stand up in support... they don't have to bomb everywhere, just one place, one time... and the rest will follow, like bee to honey... next thing u know, we can't even use the word Islam!

Why church?
Yes, why Christianity, and not Buddhism or Hinduism? Simple. First i'll explain why not buddhism, which is really very easy, cuz there won't be as big a public outcry as it is now! buddhists are not as passionate about their religion as christians, and the effect that they hope to create (i will talk about this later) will not be of impact, of value... but of course that's the case only in malaysia... as much as they hate to admit it, malaysia is still alive thanks to China, so they don't really wanna do anything that could get this big power all worked up... the other country of concern is Thailand, where their monks hold quite a prestigious status despite being monks... since these two countries would not hesitate to take actions, best not mess with them! moving on to hinduism, first reason: too few people. Yes, there are too few Indians left in malaysia nowadays, at least percentage wise. second, Hindu temples are sacred to them, as we can see from all the articles on building, destroying of hindu temples... a Hindu temple takes years to build, since they emphasize alot of craftmanship, and therefore prefers things build by humans, and not machines... hence, the whole bombing hindu temple business will not be taken lightly, and this time, we may even see bloodshed... that's not what they want... and so, to christians... bombing a church will create the necessary outcry, yet not the unnecessary retaliation, simple because christians are more... civilized, for lack of a better word... they dislike agression, and so they will have all their group supports, rally etc, but no more... christians in other countries will probably do the same, and maybe sign some petitions and stuff, but the country leaders will be least likely to take actions, since afterall this is a political matter which is none of their concern, and they are restricted by all the associations that they form. hence, the choice of christianity is perfect.

why bomb it?
now comes their motive. why do it? of course it's not because we use the word Allah, duh! what they are doing is simple: divide and conquer. what they want is to create a gap between races, religions, people... they do not want a One Malaysia, because if we were united, then they will definitely fall. It's like how they have always been doing, as it is taught to them by the countries that once took us as their colony... after so many years divided by the single act of Special Rights to the malays, are we going to be fooled into another trap by this stupid bombing? from the looks of it, we are. examining facebook is the fastest, as we see many groups popping up about this arson incident... this is precisely what they want! by being in a group, you are isolating yourself from all the out-groups, condemning all who is condemned by your group... how many years of education, have it taught us nothing?

Sunday, January 10

I'm losing control...

Sunday, January 10
haha... don't worry, this is not one of those emo posts, just feel like i need a place to keep me sane for awhile... let's see, had a "class outing" today, which turned out not v ideally.. well, let's just say not many came, haha... so, all plans cancelled, and we went The Mussel Guys for lunch, and split after that... lol, so much for a long overdue class outing... had mussel napolitana there, quite nice... though kinda expensive... it's freaking 15.90 exc 17% tax! so yea, not exactly the best deal around town i guess... but oh well, you go a place called THE Mussel Guys, and order what, sirloin steak? haha, don't think so lar...

yeah, after the shortlived class outing, afew of us stayed behind, walked around vivo for abit, and met afew ppl i know... though i didn't really say hi =P yea well, but that's just me... oh, then we went cineleisure to watch The Morgans... yea, the show is ok... but quite predictable... nothing special, unique to the show... it's just the same old same old... all in all, i'd say it's a movie for couples to go watch, which inadvertly leads me to the question: then why am i watching it with another guy and a girl?? lol, i felt so light bulb-ish... and this brings me to the core of this post, which i can't stop thinking about, and it's really driving me nuts. gosh, i wish i know what to do now... let me try and divert my attention... to this new stomach vibrator that my roommate has recently procured... oh wait, could it be that uKimono thingy?? LOL, that'd be quite funny... but yea, he uses it every night, i wonder to what avail... but ah well, he is kinda fat i guess, though i doubt that thingy will help him much, then again, who am i to give opinion on losing weight, hehe... oh, and before the movie started, they played the song "I got a feeling" the Chipmunks version, originally by Black-eyed Peas... and now the song is stucked in my head... those high-pitched tones... can't get it out... just like i can't get the other obsession of mine out... argh, man... maybe i should just get it all out once and for all, clear things up, and get it done with... but if u know me, u know that ain't going to happen. sigh...

Wednesday, January 6

Left 4 Dead 2

Wednesday, January 6
OK... so i have finally tried Left 4 Dead 2... starting part the game was pretty much OK, but soon enough i notice a huge difference... the Special infected are very common! it's like, every 20 zombies you'll see one of them... and 20 zombies is not a huge number, considering the zombies pretty much always come in group of 4 to 5... which is really another change, cuz previously the streets are really less infected... zombies are not so well populated yet... one other addition that i noticed was small rush, which is basically zombie rush, but in smaller amount... and they happen quite frequently, so loafing around is really a very bad idea... so basically, there are more zombies, more special ones, and there is no such thing as a clean street anymore... they are everywhere. EVERYWHERE! there's no end to killing them! Oh yes, and now the witch moves!! she doesn't just sit around anymore, she walks around crying!! well, that's for the zombies...

to the weapons, there is a huge explosion of choices... though they still generally fall into the same three categories: rifle, sniper rifle, and shotgun. then there are the melee weapons, which when used, gets ur "face" aka the screen all bloody... now is when i noticed, the zombies must be getting weaker? cuz one bullet will cause like a huge wound on their body... like, huge. the whole back missing kinda huge... and if you shoot their hands and legs, it just fall apart. and they die. just like that. i'm pretty sure humans can withstand an attack better than that... oh, and the melee weapon is like ownage... one swing, and pretty much all the zombies in front of you dies... unrealistic i know, but that's how they have to be to balance their limitation (short range, can't use for certain special etc) still, this is alittle weird after awhile... i mean, an average joe definitely will not know how to use a katana right? so pretty much they'll just be swinging it around.. but miraculously, it's always a one-hit KO! and cutting off the limps is as easy as chopping potatoes! LOL, that's why, the zombies have to be more flimsy than humans, if not all these just don't make sense... OR, these four survivors are not your average joe, hence they can use any weapons with ease... pick it up and go booyah!

but don't get me wrong, the game is quite good, though much harder than the first. for instance, alerting the horde is not just alert, mobs come, kill, then move on. No! it's now alert, mobs come, rush to another place to stop the alert, move on. if you just stay there, the mobs won't end... you may have small periods of break, but they don't stop... and they seem to get more frequent as each waves pass. really bad news. still, that's fine, move on. but the worse part was, in the first campaign last mission, i'm supposed to fill in the car with 13 gas tanks. Ok, since the AI can't do it, i'll have to take all 13 myself. finally, when i took the 10th, all of a sudden, i hear the tank music, but not quite the same as the one i'm used to... fyi, there were a few tanks before this... then i see one tank coming, killed it, and the music is still on! i was like, huh?? 2 tanks?? alright, second tank appeared, killed... then, wtf!? 3rd tank!? wait, there's another one to the right, so... FOUR!? they think i'm some kinda GOD!? four tanks at once!? how am i supposed to survive!! #&$%@#&$%#&@$!!!! and i still have to carry 4 more gas tanks and fill it up! so, predictably, 2 AIs got incapacitated, one died, and another one got hit by a special... me? got whacked across the building by the tank, incapacitated, and tadah! we all died... OMGWTFBBQ!! this is just so unebelievable!! i hope this does not happen every time... if not i dunno how to play anymore... Tank rush at the finale, bravo!

Saturday, January 2

New Year Resolution 1: Done!

Saturday, January 2
Before i begin, just wanna complain: WHY CAN'T I CONNECT TO FACEBOOK?? zzz... ok... moving on...

Today i went and watched Sherlock Holmes with a friend, and truly it was pretty entertaining... the story is not so much on mystery, keeping you in the dark at all times, but rather an unobtrusive way of showing you how holmes has noticed all the little things that would fit into the puzzle. Some would compare it to the Prestige, but these two movies are very different, in that the latter presents the story in a more indirect way, making it hard for you to make head or tail of it, and then making it all clear in the end. Sherlock Holmes, however, presents the story directly, just that his process of investigation may seem like a report, plain yet difficult to distill what is important, and therefore though the finale may not come as a surprise, yet it still astonishes you as to how the pieces managed to all fit together nicely.

The movie also gave a touch on the relationship between holmes and watson, but sadly, the whole thing was left in a "in progress" stage, and there is no real conclusion to the whole drama. Still, i suppose any future sherlock holmes will still have his trusty assistant in it, playing one role or another.

However, what i find most amusing is the evolution to Sherlock Holmes, from the old book era, where it's all about looking at the clues, and connecting the dots together, without him actually being involved in collecting the clues; to now, where it is not enough to just have the brains to be a famous detective, but you also need to appropriate physical ability to carry out what the brain thinks. To some extent, it gives the character a more realistic touch, since afterall, what makes a good detective is in his ability to find important details that others would usually leave out, and with today's more and more popular CSI shows, we learn how crime scenes may carry information vital to solving the crime, but only human failure to locate it can diminish its value. Therefore, it is logical to assume that Holmes would have to be very active as well in his role of solving mysteries. More importantly i think, is the change in our time, when being specialized is no longer enough, and people are expected to be holistic, capable of dealing with diffferent fields and integrating the knowledge, a time that demands much more from man, and this demand will also be transferred and expected of the world greatest detective, however fictious he was. Hence, we see the man that used to be depicted as a fine gentleman, be transformed to a more quirky person, believing in hands-on actions in his investigation, rather than just sitting around, drinking tea while looking through piles of papers. We are indeed witnessing a change in our time, where the standard of extraordinary has just become even higher, and the norm is no longer normal anymore... there was a theory that human as a race has two choice: evolve or extinct. Now seems like the crossroad between these choices, and our decision, action may very well influence the outcome of our entire race... hopefully mankind is ready for this change.

Friday, January 1

Happy 2010!

Friday, January 1
Tadah! First post in a new place! In the spirit of new year, I will have a new beginning for my blog!

Blah, and it's another year! The year 2009 has been interesting, with me trying out some new activities and stuff... though there are also those plain old boring stuff like mugging, as usual... but i think i can say that i have grown from this year, learning a few things here and there... can't really name any though, haha... but hey, experience is something integrated, no? i'm sure i have change (hopefully for the better) since a year ago... which sadly, i dun remember what was i doing... hmm...

Since i'm not a resolution kind of person, i won't make any... but i'll do this much: try. yup, to try and do something for a change. this year may be full of possibilities, but i'll have to try to harvest it, or it will all be gone. So yup, try, and maybe you'll end up better than before.

So, again, here's wishing all a happy and joyous new year!